He feared the state would sacrifice future flexibility by committing too many resources to paying off construction debt.
Conspiracies sacrifice flexibility for access to serious backup and firepower, including their Endowments.
But like all armoured animals they have sacrificed flexibility for security and must now be content with a stiffly jointed existence.
But now it is clear that specific strength exercises can help them hit the ball farther without sacrificing flexibility or finesse.
We sacrifice very much flexibility when we do that, and our reappearances will be duller instead of brighter.
They expect timely updates and a consistent user experience, and are willing to sacrifice freedom and flexibility if needed.
The melodies are infectious, and her voice is appropriately raspy without sacrificing vocal flexibility.
Other shield designs sacrifice flexibility for better performance; some shields are a solid metal tube.
But we should beware the haste with which some would sacrifice flexibility for control.
Mini-ITX boards contain everything a computer needs on one board, but they sacrifice flexibility.