Compact cameras are usually designed to be easy to use, sacrificing advanced features and picture quality for compactness and simplicity; images can usually only be stored using lossy compression (JPEG).
Nor does it sacrifice important features for price.
Apologies if that sounds patronizing but to have every country from west to east is too much and I fear this will sacrifice news and features from smaller countries that I enjoyed reading about.
Companies can cut costs with cloud communications services without sacrificing features.
To get the lowest price, one has had to sacrifice color quality, ease of use, print speed and other features.
The camera doesn't sacrifice features for convenience - it comes with a 10x optical zoom lens, image stabilization, and built-in flash and red-eye reduction.
As such, it may sacrifice certain features, or use other features to complement it.
Even making a bicycle lightweight involves sacrificing other features, like stability and handling.
For people who are willing to pay first-class prices, the PowerBook G3 and its high-altitude Windows-based counterparts provide the convenience of portability without sacrificing power or features.
If light weight is the prime consideration, the user often must sacrifice such features as hard disks and large screens.