Om, or Aum, a sacred syllable of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism is considered to be the first resonating vibrational sound within an individual being.
The song is about Aum, the most sacred syllable in Hinduism, from which the Veda traditions originated.
Om refers to the sacred syllable in Hinduism, which symbolizes the infinite or the entire Universe.
These sacred syllables were integral to religious and material goodness and spiritual pursuit in Vedic age.
"They slit their own tongues, so they can utter the sacred syllables of Set."
And beside him, his cousin sat to attention at the sound of the sacred syllables.
Om, or Aum (ॐ): the most sacred syllable in Hinduism, first coming to light in the Vedic Tradition.
Mani stones walls, carved with sacred syllables and prayers, line the paths.
In October 1965, Coltrane recorded Om, referring to the sacred syllable in Hinduism, which symbolizes the infinite or the entire Universe.
Om is a sacred syllable of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.