What is at issue here is nothing less than every American's simple, sacred right to vote.
One of the most sacred rights in America is to be able to stand on a street corner and preach.
Death is the most sacred right of the living; it is the one thing that should never be denied.
These million students, if you have a blood, then hesitate not but stand up for our sacred rights.
The camps had also taught him that each man has a sacred right to be left on his own.
"Now is the time to resume exercising your sacred rights of governance!"
"I claim the sacred rights of hospitality," returned the poet.
Today, it is held as a sacred right, even if many people do not seem to have time to take it.
Due process of law, our most sacred right, must begin with service that is beyond reproach.
For us, these are sacred rights: the right to strike; the right of association.