Some of these dismissals might have been unnecessarily huffy or too quick to overlook common ground with those who honor a different sacred calendar.
The latter is the name of a day in the sacred calendar that could have been used as a personal name for a king.
It was also considered a sacred calendar by the Mayans and determined when their rituals occurred.
Thus the number four is universally an integral part of primitive sacred calendars.
Like most other Mesoamerican cultures, the Mixtec people had a 260-day sacred calendar.
According to the Mayan sacred calendar, the reunion is predicted to take place this year.
She repeated the odd word, then added: "It's also called the Mayan Calendar Round, or the sacred calendar.
Pierce remembered that Redington had mentioned the sacred calendar, and the prediction concerning the reunion of the crystal skulls.
They actually have two of them, a three-hundred-sixty-five-day solar calendar and a sacred calendar of two hundred sixty days.
Part of it was that Dad introduced me to a Mayan man who understood the Tzolkin - the sacred calendar - far better than I did.