At apparently foolhardy speed it roared across the rutted ground in absolute darkness, heading toward the nearest high piece of ground.
Interlude Hour after hour Elaine pressed on, forcing the ambulance forward at as good a speed as the rutted ground allowed.
Silken took his master at his word, and Lord Oberlon clutched her more tightly to his chest to keep her steady as the carriage lurched and swayed over the rutted ground.
We follow an old Serb trench through the trees to a forest clearing, the rutted ground still bearing the imprint of tank treads.
The squad car ground to a halt, backed up, turned sharply right, raced along the rutted ground.
Mykel gestured toward the rutted ground.
Fifteen minutes later she had completed a half-circle and was moving up over rutted ground towards the metalled road.
They seemed to be playing twenty or thirty to a side on the over-sized Titanide field, cheerfully accepting the inconvenience caused by the rutted ground.
He also said it was a hazard, saying that in the fall children played in the half-finished structures and on the rutted grounds.
He shrugged, half irritably, and took her arm to guide her over the rutted ground.