Worst of all, they ruthlessly use the sacrifices of the people of Iran to push for a war that will target the same people.
The lives he took, the indignities he inflicted upon us, the autocracy he gathered to himself and used ruthlessly.
In 1948, this country's first Afrikaner government began ruthlessly using its laws and security apparatus to force the races into separate schools and separate communities.
Unlike Ramri's culture, this one uses biotechnology efficiently and ruthlessly.
Ruthlessly using feet and elbows, Blade got out of the tangle.
Both examples helped brand Microsoft as a company that ruthlessly used its operating system monopoly to crush rivals.
"You're endowed with deadly weapons that you're using ruthlessly."
A fact which littlest brother Publius Clodius was well aware of, and used ruthlessly.
President Assat has a reputation for ruthlessly using his various intelligence services and his secret police to suppress any resistance to the regime.
He has antisocial personality disorder and is an arrogant drug lord who ruthlessly uses violence to gain wealth.