The household was ruthlessly competitive - in basketball, tennis, backgammon, even over who could eat cereal fastest.
In his spare time, the restless Benigni is a passionate, ruthlessly competitive card player.
And Serena almost had a nervous breakdown trying to work out the exchange rate on all the prices being yelled at her by ruthlessly competitive vendors.
For one thing, it is ruthlessly competitive.
A typical social democracy pairs a ruthlessly competitive private market economy on the one hand with high taxes and strong, redistributive social services on the other.
Unless and until the educational establishment is sidelined we shall not produce a future generation of young people that can compete in a ruthlessly competitive world.
In the ruthlessly competitive world of investment banking, these two men had been doing what presumably was their job.
THE once-modest bathroom is now an arena for one-upmanship in the ruthlessly competitive hotel field.
English values now despise the poor and celebrate the ruthlessly competitive and greedy.
"The G.S.A. should take advantage of the ruthlessly competitive real-estate market on the Island," he said.