Iron Man ruthlessly attacks the Beetle when he tried to steal exotic pieces of art.
Later, after World War I, Saint-Saëns angered both French and Germans with his inflammatory articles titled Germanophilie, which ruthlessly attacked Wagner.
He also ruthlessly attacked and plundered churches that supported his rivals among the Uí Néill and also those of Leinster and Munster.
After she manipulates Kirk into desiring her, Elaan becomes submissive, gentle, loyal, even willing to die with him, by his side, as the Klingons ruthlessly attack the Enterprise.
By his effectiveness in ruthlessly attacking, he'd undermined the Cadmians in another.
They belong to a party that has ruthlessly and dishonestly attacked John Kerry's patriotism, courage and character.
He ruthlessly attacked both German bourgeois society and the larger limitations of humanity.
He thought back to the days of Wallace, and the undaunted fearlessness of the man - the audacity it must have required to move in and ruthlessly attack the enemies of his country.
But all boats have been instructed to attack ruthlessly.
"Blackstone ruthlessly attacked him," her uncle answered.