And she had feared that the ruthless side to his nature would hold sway once they'd returned to the city.
If Maia's twin had tapped a ruthless side to their joint nature, should she be cheered, rather than reproved?
Their marriage is strained by her discomfort as she learns about Blake's ruthless side, especially in business.
It was a battle which became notorious for its savagery and revealed the ruthless side of Carrera.
Gennai does have a ruthless side: he often uses Nekomaru to test his inventions, which frequently has unpleasant results for the monster cat.
And his more ruthless side is when his family is already dead.
But the down-home German leader also has his ruthless side.
Even now he found himself having to rein in the more ruthless side of his nature.
Victory would go to the side most ruthless in using its numbers to wear down the enemy.