Even the wise man from the East had to capitulate before my ruthless logic.
The book's real protagonist, however, is the corner itself - a menacing, malign presence that rules the neighborhood with ruthless logic.
With careful thought and the application of ruthless logic, it may be possible to establish a much larger claim than you would have expected.
The ex-Nomads had taken over a barbaric system; it followed with the ruthless logic of history that they would themselves be barbarized.
Having chided Harris for exalting social advantage over "character," critics turn around and adopt his ruthless logic.
I had arranged two dozen or so glasses and vases with as much ruthless logic as my bookshelves, grouping by height, shape and color.
"But I'm not a Web-Guardian," he pointed out with ruthless logic.
She had dealt with the guilt years ago and put it behind her, but here he was, reviving it with his ruthless logic.
Dante's hell was a madhouse, but it had a ruthless logic behind it.
Meig astonished her again, this time with ruthless logic.