The army of the Dragon King, such as it was, had been training with their new weapons and reclaiming rusty skills.
I need to sharpen my very rusty skills with a blade, Westl.
At this level, Maserd's political cunning may be sharper than my own rusty skills.
Maybe he should look at this as a valuable opportunity to polish his rusty skills.
The park rangers, a swell bunch, though with rusty social skills, are never around when the real crimes are perpetrated.
The computer made no reply; it was not programmed to worry about rusty skills.
She rarely drove these days and wished she could have taken a plane rather than renew rusty driving skills in the heavy interstate traffic.
At length I selected a blade truly worthy of my rusty skills.
The lock on the door was the one I had devised, and it demanded my rusty skills to get past it.
McCoy worked with the controls, cursing his rusty skills with this sort of thing.