Toby does attend - we see him play piano in that pleasant, rustic place - but doesn't like it.
It's also the most rustic place I've ever eaten in.
The old barn building ( the "Kornspeicher") is now a rustic place for exhibitions and concerts.
Most of them are rustic little places around the harbor and waterfront selling grilled fish, or pizza.
There were long tapers on the tables illuminating this very rustic place.
It was a rustic place in the village that the others had discovered on a morning walk.
I was in Spain for 3 weeks this summer and had the opportunity to eat at high end and rustic places.
G Map Some of the more rustic places stay open as late as there are customers.
It's a woody, rustic place with both table and tatami seating.
Atmosphere: A rustic place with bar, homey dining areas and small tables.