I thought perhaps you liked the rustic look.
Over many years the buildings had been improved now and again, to add the comforts of base, but they retained their rustic look.
There was even enough wood to build the new staircase between dining and living areas with an old-time, rustic look.
Q. When our house was built 12 years ago, old bricks were used instead of new ones to provide a rustic look.
Mr. Green had me plaster it over when he went for the rustic look.
It had that rustic look which only many years of weathering can attain.
The entire lower third of the house was mortared river rock that gave it a rustic look.
He had the rustic look of someone who'd never seen a car made in another country.
The oak floor and pine wainscoting added to the rustic look.
She thinks the ordinance goes too far, even though her business's rustic look is exactly what township officials would like to see.