Over the years, Mr. Soltner's superb rustic cooking has remained unchanged, luring legions of fans.
They loved the warmth of the trattorias, the bold flavors of regional rustic cooking, the simplicity of the service.
Slate is a staple of rustic cooking in France and in Andorra, where Mr. Ripert grew up.
Solid, rustic cooking is the order of the day here, and it's none the worse for it.
It has a lofty beamed ceiling, rustic cooking implements on display and long, communal tables and bench seats.
Why would Ms. Kasper, a scholarly writer, think that she could distill the rustic cooking of all of them in a single volume?
A survey of Manhattan restaurants reveals that chefs are exuberantly returning to rustic, homey cooking.
Ms. Ramírez's more rustic, almost devotional cooking is equally celebrated.
The menu reflects the rustic Mediterranean cooking for which the catering shop has long been known.
The enticing rustic cooking the kitchen delivers remains a steady lure at this cozy and welcoming neighborhood favorite.