For too long, little was done to address rural poverty or rural unemployment.
This large population coupled with rural unemployment has started to put pressure on land and other natural resources.
But it causes rural unemployment unless some considerable thought is put into the change.
The human cost of extra rural unemployment is greater.
Falling food prices created rural unemployment, which resulted in both emigration and internal migration.
In the 1820s, emigration, mostly to Canada, was promoted as a means of relieving rural unemployment and poverty.
In St. Vincent, much use is made of rural unemployment and many women workers are involved in the various phases of operation.
I also believe that rural unemployment should be resolved by offering opportunities for diversification and for new sources of income.
However, in rural unemployment, forward castes score worse than all other communities.
The republic inherited the traditional problems of the Spanish state; the rural unemployment, industrial under development, and demands for local rights.