A mound system is an alternative to the traditional rural septic system drain field.
That is not the case with rural systems that may have just a few dozen users.
Up to 50 percent of trees were cut down in some provinces, as the rural ecological system was ruined.
It was succeeded by 7A1 and 7A2 and a rural system had the designation 7D.
He also travelled to China, eastern Europe and Japan on diplomatic assignments and to study their rural economic systems.
Although the chief characteristic of the new rural system was household farming for profit, collective organizations still played a major role.
The leadership decided in 1978 to thoroughly revamp the rural economic system.
The newcomers displaced the old rural political system built around courthouse cliques.
Fully constructed rural cellular systems, which are hardly ideal properties, have been selling for $70 and $100 a pop.
The difference reflects T.C.I.'s history as largely a collection of smaller, rural systems.