Some here say the rural simplicity can leave you wanting more.
Dafydd James and Ben Lewis's The Village Social begins by looking like a good-humoured skit on rural simplicities.
The concept of this comedy draws greatly from the city of Mumbai - the melting pot of rural simplicity and urban complexity.
She had admired the rural simplicity of a friend's home designed by Mr. McInturff of Bethesda, Md.
Old-fashioned rural simplicity still has great appeal for romantic environmentalists.
In the 1840s few such places had emerged from rural simplicity.
The punk-rock group Braty Hadyukiny (literally "Brothers Viperids) sings many of its songs in Surzhyk, often to underscore the rural simplicity of their characters.
Following the well-marked trail to the looming Fossa di Vulcano, the landscape gives way to rural simplicity with allotments, birdsong and a surprising amount of greenery.
Emerson idealised the fishermen and reed cutters of the Broads as symbols of rural simplicity and the 'natural' life.
Mr. Nutting's landscape photography and his strong commitment to colonial ideals and rural simplicity led to his involvement with old houses and antiques.