Radio Borders covers Berwick and the rural north of the county.
Though the goatsucker's depredations began in Mexico's rural north, the loathing spread in no time to the cities.
Some people in the rural north, where much of the population lives, look to the future with grand expectations.
Many of the protesters come from Thailand's rural north and northeast.
He lost important Democratic constituencies in the rural north and in southern cities and suburbs.
Telling saga stories, an Icelandic friend of mine remembers, was still the principal entertainment when he was growing up in the rural north.
In the rural north of Burundi, as many as 2,000 people have died in recent battles, relief officials say.
I didn't speak any Portuguese, and certainly not the incomprehensible dialects of the rural north.
Teaching in the rural north of Santa Fe Province, he returned upon being called for compulsory military training.
Laurence now lives with his wife, four children, cat and goldfish in most rural north Cornwall.