Agribusiness refers not just to large-scale rural enterprises, but to concerns which have an integrated system of production and distribution.
However, as it was mentioned before, some distribution companies resell electricity to communal organizations or rural enterprises.
The pamphlets cover the changing economic environment of agriculture and the government's policies to encourage diversification in rural enterprise.
Jiangsu Province pioneered the development of rural enterprises that have flourished in the last decade.
First book on rural enterprises published - Xinhuanet.
In 1986 rural enterprises employed approximately 76 million people, or 20 percent of China's total workforce.
In certain areas, such as Zhejiang, efforts were made to solve some of the problems facing the rural enterprises.
Black Mountain is home to several boutique rural enterprises and artists' studios.
The official China Daily referred in passing recently to three million rural enterprises being closed.
Women constitute nearly 60 percent of workers in such rural enterprises, said Qiao Xueying, another official with the women's organization.