Scripting languages are executed by their runtime engine, which is itself a service.
Apple had decided to concentrate its engineering resources on the runtime engine of WebObjects, leaving the future responsibility for developer applications with the open source community.
The runtime engine executes the application components.
DMS is used in two of the company's products Endorphin, a 'tool for creating virtual stuntmen' and Euphoria, a runtime engine.
WebSphere Process Server is the runtime engine for artifacts produced in a business-driven development process.
This version contains an Eclipse based User Interface development tool and a runtime engine for the target system.
In these environments software errors do not 'crash' the operating system or the runtime engine but rather generate exceptions.
XTND consisted of a simple runtime engine that listed, loaded and managed a series of "translators".
Google created its own bytecode format and a highly specialized runtime engine called Dalvik.
NET programming languages share the same runtime engine, uniform Abstract syntax tree, and Common Intermediate Language.