Reaching a run-down home with a late-model Lexus parked incongruously in the driveway, the convoy came to a halt.
At the time, the area had run-down homes that rented for $175 a month.
Matryona offers him a place to live in her tiny, run-down home.
Faith stared ahead but saw nothing other than run-down homes, cracked sidewalks and sickly-looking trees and lawns.
"There are still drugs over there," she said, throwing a hand toward a cluster of run-down homes.
He was hungry and tired and as he passed a small, run-down home he smelled a wonderful fragrance coming from within.
By the 1980s, the Capitol had fallen into disrepair and become a run-down home for second-run movies.
Where realtors and buyers see run-down homes, black residents see evidence of institutional racism that steered resources away from this community.
Matryona offers him a place to live in her tiny, run-down home, but he is told not to expect any "fancy cooking".
It's on the edges of aging light industry: here there are mostly apartments, run-down old homes carved into flats.