He ran for the presidency on two further occasions - 1970 and 1982 - but was defeated on both.
She has run this time on two occasions.
In 2009 it ran over 800 public courses, on more than 3,500 separate occasions across the UK.
He ran for the Progressive Party on two further occasions, but fared no better.
In July he ran under his 2004 record time on two further occasions.
Officials were fairly confident, having run most of the major elements of the test on four occasions in the last few months.
It ran updates on the story on two further occasions.
Apart from his wins, he has run here on three other occasions and was second each time.
Buck ran for a seat in the House of Commons on six occasions.
He ran for Governor of Colorado on five occasions (1970, 1974, 1982, 1986, and 1994) as well.