But in some parts of the country estimates run as high as 50 percent, and the number is growing almost everywhere.
In most other states, that fee might run as high as 100 percent, insurance experts said.
That means investors usually pay taxes at their higher ordinary income rates, which can run as high as 35 percent.
"The infection rates can run as high as 40 percent of the dogs in my practice."
Such fees can run as high as 30 percent of the damages awarded in the cases.
These ran as high as 50 percent on some goods and services.
Among some of her colleagues, she said, the proportion runs as high as 40 to 50 percent.
West Bank unemployment is estimated to run as high as 30 percent.
Those allowances could run as high as 40 percent of base salary, the survey found.
On the Coasts, the figure can run as high as 20 percent.