Just after 2 p.m., the end of the day's first shift, a few rumpled figures emerged from the building into the blinding sun.
The duke was a disappointment, a rumpled figure in a torn turtleneck.
"Beth," I started to say - then broke off, staring at the rumpled figure of my grandson, whose presence in the house I'd completely forgotten.
A sentry paced restlessly, his beat altered slightly to avoid a rumpled figure in Dreamweaver's robes of silver-grey.
Mr. Weinstein, a big, imposing and perennially rumpled figure who usually has a cigarette dangling from his mouth, is both popular and unpopular among filmmakers.
Standing there, holding a gun of his own in both hands, was a rumpled figure.
She sat down without a word in the single empty place across from the rumpled, tweedy figure of her husband and shrugged off her coat.
She walked back to the outside door, opened the upper half, and held the rumpled figure in her palm.
The chief of staff is still the rumpled, affable and approachable figure who spent four years as Senate majority leader.
She lay there pale, unmoving, a rumpled frail figure, small and so very vulnerable.