The ruling, written by Judge Ellsworth A. Van Graafeiland of the appeals court, was the second such reversal.
The ruling, written by Justice Robert Main, continues the consistent support the state's controversial milk-licensing system has enjoyed in court.
In today's unanimous ruling, written by Judge Judith S. Kaye, the court upheld the 1984 statute allowing people to file such claims.
In today's ruling, written by Judge Lamberth, the panel disagreed with the Justice Department's reasoning.
In the ruling written by Justice Frank K. Richardson, the Supreme Court distinguished between "amendment" and "revision."
In its 6-to-1 ruling, written by Chief Justice Malcolm Lucas, the Supreme Court found that the plan conformed to Federal law.
The ruling, written by the chief justice, Aharon Barak, was endorsed by nine other members of the panel with one judge dissenting.
An opinion accompanying today's ruling, written by Chief Justice Tom Phillips, said the new school finance law improved the school finance system.
In a unanimous ruling written by Justice David Souter, the court affirmed the judgment of the circuit court, holding that:
The ruling, written by the chairman, Paul W. Schmidt, rejected the framework proposed by the immigration service.