The ruling imposed a $603 million fine.
Ideally, the ruling would also have imposed upon states a duty to craft safeguards to prevent abuse.
Both the Dinkins administration and the City Council opposed the shift in tax burdens that the state board's ruling would have imposed, and they sought relief from the State Legislature.
This ruling imposes a heightened duty of care on amusement parks and requires them to provide the same degree of care and safety as other common carriers.
That ruling imposed a deadline of this spring for the state to address those building needs.
The 5-0 ruling by the trade commission imposes a 52 percent duty on Chinese apple juice concentrate.
The ruling imposed a duty on coroners to investigate deaths abroad where the body was returned to England and Wales.
This ruling, inter alia, sentenced several persons to terms of imprisonment, and imposed fines for forgery.
A Clinton adviser said that he thought fees approaching a half-million dollars were "crazy" and would never be approved by Judge Wright, whose ruling, although sharply written, imposed a relatively modest punishment.
For Telecom, the ruling imposes narrower room for maneuvering against Olivetti, which is one-fifth the size of its larger rival.