The ruling, issued on Tuesday, contradicts the judgment of the United States Supreme Court in a California case.
As Chief Justice, his rulings frequently contradicted those of President Ferdinand E. Marcos.
The fundamental problem here is that the Federal Circuit's pro-software-patent rulings from the 1990s flatly contradicted the Supreme Court's previous rulings, which theoretically should have taken precedence.
This ruling contradicts the Irish ruling described below.
The ruling contradicts the findings of the Tennessee Supreme Court in a similar case and is expected to lead to widespread debate in the legal and medical community.
Justice Clarence Thomas has argued that Tinker's ruling contradicted "the traditional understanding of the judiciary's role in relation to public schooling," and ignored the history of public education (127 S.Ct.
The ruling also contradicted a series of decisions made in three other courts in recent years.
Writing for the minority, Justice Breyer said the "ruling contradicted previous decisions upholding race-conscious pupil assignments and would hamper local school boards' efforts to prevent 'resegregation' in individual schools."
If the ruling contradicts some other one, does it abrogate/mitigate its foil, or is it itself abrogated/mitigated?
The Ypres commercial court's ruling contradicts one it made last month extending Lernout's bankruptcy protection until next June.