This incident, in part, resulted in a rules clarification allowing teams to change a flat-spotted tyre without punishment.
The WCF has introduced some rules clarifications, additions, and changes.
These questions range from rules clarifications to game history to which stadiums are best for broadcasting and anything that anyone can think of.
Q. Please help me with a rules clarification from the Super Bowl.
Some unusual, and confusing sequences of events can occur during replay stoppages, and most have been addressed through rules clarifications.
Allen Hammack is assigned to the project as an editor, and Hammack worked with Rasmussen on rules clarifications and editing, and the game saw print by the end of February 1980.
Wizards of the Coast provided additional support for the book through its website, including rules clarifications, details on additional archfiends, adaptations of Book of Vile Darkness content to epic levels, and even a screensaver.
Crossfire (commonly abbreviated as CF) is a tabletop miniatures wargame designed by Arty Conliffe and first published in 1996, later supplemented by "Hit the Dirt" containing a number of rules clarifications and scenarios.