Spanish rulers, briefly reluctant to go that far, yielded in May and ordered the expulsion.
A pro-German ruler took power in the coup and ordered British forces out of Iraq.
The rulers of both Korean kingdoms welcomed the foreign monks and immediately ordered monasteries be built for their use.
"See a dark curtain hanging before you," ordered the Murian ruler.
The shocked rulers order a magistrate to the village to investigate.
Unable to ignore protests, Jakarta's military rulers ordered an inquiry.
He used a ruler to plot the course he wanted to the fault, then ordered the rudder over.
Immediately following the Machtergreifung, the new rulers ordered a search of Kurt Fiedler's house.
Their silly antics distracted the other workers, slowing down the construction, and the ruler at the time ordered their execution.
In the late Classic period, the elite constructed vaulted tombs, and some rulers ordered the construction of large burial complexes.