In the age of Kronos, the divine rulers govern the world by their wisdom.
In the age of Zeus, the human rulers govern their social order by laws.
With the fall of the Roman empire in 476, different rulers and powers governed.
The issue of how an effective ruler should govern the country, as well as the rules which govern society, can be taught.
The most powerful ruler governed the physical world, the second most powerful ruled human governments, and the last helped in wars, choosing which side would win.
Three rulers governed in the period from AD 455 to 524, there was then a sixty-year hiatus.
A ruler should govern his subjects by the following trinity:
So the people are free, they choose their rulers, and the rulers govern according to the wishes of the people.
But even if party discipline improves, it is unclear how the change will help China's rulers govern an increasingly diverse and demanding society.
The rulers and the chiefs governed their ethnic communities and communicated with them through various channels.