He especially emphasized this "rule" with regards to poetry, but also noted that the short story is superior to the novel for this reason.
Again, the initial rules of Roman Law regarded assaults as a matter of private compensation.
The rules on tackling a quarterback are fairly protective, and very protective in regards of the kicker.
VANOC broke some rules in regards to the luging and bobsleigh track.
Parliamentary procedure also allows for rules in regards to nomination, voting, disciplinary action, appeals, dues, and the drafting of organization charters, constitutions, and bylaws.
If the woman was unharmed by the bitter water, the rules regard her as innocent of the accusation.
Nick also broke rules set by Bach with regards to drinking before shows.
The first rule regards the recording of moves.
The second rule regards the arbiter's possibility of ending a game as drawn due to a player's lack of effort in winning the game by "normal means".
Other rules regard the scrum-halves and how they throw in the ball.