In texts with full niqqud - mostly poetry, religious and children books - Zeire is usually written in accordance to the rules mandated by the Academy.
The rules, mandated by a Federal court, include providing workers with toilets, places to wash their hands and fresh drinking water.
Uniform rules and standards mandated by a Federal agency, he suggests, would improve conditions and eliminate disparities.
Motorists in New York City who fail to pay their parking tickets on time will face at least double the penalties under new rules mandated by the state, the city's Transportation Department said yesterday.
White House officials said the department, not the White House, was responsible for the scheduling and publication of rules mandated by Congress.
Mr. Burnett said his show had followed every rule and regulation mandated by the state, "while their show has flouted the law," mainly by failing to have properly licensed promoters stage the fights.
The labor leaders contend that under rules mandated by state law, the arbitration process can sometimes enable public agencies to unilaterally decide certain matters, including staffing levels, that are usually determined through contract bargaining.
The rules, mandated by Congress when it amended the Clean Water Act in 1986, may require many systems that rely on surface water, including New York City's, to install expensive filtration systems.
The new rules, mandated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, require that a Nasdaq market maker post an investor's price for a stock if it falls between the firm's bid and offer prices.
Distributed generation has not been widely used because of outdated rules mandated by utility companies.