Judge Baker ruled earlier that the city's present form of government gave members of minority groups virtually no chance of winning representation.
His father, Herod of Chalcis ruled as tetrarch of Chalcis earlier.
Earlier this year, a federal judge ruled earlier that the department could be sued using the government's anti-racketeering statute, which was created to deal with organized-crime figures.
It is possible that the Court might rule earlier on a challenge to an abortion law enacted earlier this year in Guam.
In a separate case, the 11th Circuit ruled earlier that the law applying to all state employees was unconstitutional.
A similar reverse was also used by Zoilus I, who may have ruled some decade earlier and was likely an enemy of Menander.
Both lower courts had earlier ruled that the connection between the injury and the automobile was not substantial enough to rule in favor Mr. Lindstrom.
A trade organization panel ruled earlier that the original American tax benefit violated global trade rules against export subsidies.
The commission ruled earlier that Enron could be forced to give up all its profits since 1997 because of its manipulations.
Judge Burrell ruled earlier, over the objection of news organizations, that jurors would remain anonymous, in part to protect their privacy.