A corporate rule of conduct with the realistic objective to curb, not eliminate, the soft money system is a good beginning.
By the end of 1973, members of the SPG decided that they would have to "break the rules to curb the terrorists", referring only to republican paramilitaries.
He said the S.E.C.'s proposed rule would not curb their activities, even though their trading inflicts the greatest damage on long-term fund shareholders.
Anti-pollution rules will curb tourism to the continent and push up the cost the cruises, writes Caroline Shearing.
Those rules, which became effective in April 1994, curb political contributions by Wall Street firms and their employees.
The rules would curb repeated refinancing that did not help borrowers and the "packing" of loans with excessive points, fees and other charges.
Newly enforced rules would curb stream pollution.
It is unclear whether the rules will curb the cronyism in the system.
The commission said that if the current rules did not curb slamming, it would consider adding that policy.
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said the rule curbed challengers, while leaving incumbent judges free to express their views in the form of judicial opinions.