The Mame-lukes ruled Palestine for two hundred years, leaving behind some very fine architecture.
At the time when Jesus was born, Herod the Great was the 'puppet king' who ruled Palestine for the Romans.
From 301 to 198 the Ptolemies ruled Palestine.
In July 1920, at San Remo conference, mandate was given to the British to rule Palestine.
The cultural interchange fostered by the various successive empires to have ruled Palestine is apparent in its place names.
The Arabs, of course, wished to use the Germans against the British, who ruled Palestine.
During this era, the Mamluks and the Ayyubids ruled Palestine, and Ramallah.
Administrative detention was used by the British authorities when they ruled Palestine under an international mandate.
Those, who remained in the Ottoman ruled Palestine, faced hard economic times.
A quasi-governmental structure existed, but it was always subject to the British mandatory government that ruled Palestine.