However an achilles injury ruined his season as he missed the majority of games after that high point.
He has since set the world record but may not be fully recovered from a bout of malaria that ruined his 1998 season.
This injury ruined his 2004 season and he did not play a game.
Don't let house hazards ruin your season to be jolly.
A broken collarbone ruined his 2007 season and saw him end the year without a Super 14 contract.
This caused him serious problems when racing and training and ruined his season.
A wrist injury ruined his 2003 season, and he is ranked 86th.
A bad back ruined his first season with the Knicks.
"It's not that the teams in our position are sitting back thinking about ruining somebody else's season," Infante said.
At the same time, they may have ruined the Cubs' season and made their own.