The team is called "Heavy Metals" because he enjoys that brand of rock music and a rugged style of play.
It is a rugged, rustic style of cooking, based on heavily cooked (sometimes until dark brown) rouxs and strong spices.
He plays a rugged style and scored a career-best 27 goals.
He was also good-looking in a rugged, forthright style.
Known for his rugged style of play, his specialty was the "bump-and-run" pass defense.
Still, I wonder: Was his style rugged and sturdy?
Carver started out in football as a player, he was a centre half and had a rugged style of playing.
He plays a rugged style and has spent considerable time on the injured list in recent seasons.
In those early days the Bombers played a rugged style of rugby and enjoyed walking off the pitch a little bloodied after a match.
Both bedrooms were done in rugged Early American style, a bathroom opening off each one.