They could not see his features, but to judge by his attitude and rude tone he was displeased to see them.
Several times, moreover, besides the above instance, her lady-like sensibilities were seriously infringed upon by the familiar, if not rude, tone with which people addressed her.
Ripred usually has a rude and sarcastic tone with Gregor, but can sometimes be helpful and understanding with Gregor.
Nevertheless I felt much irritated, as well as shocked, by her visit, and asked in a rude tone what she wanted.
I wanted to respond in the same rude tone he was using with me, but I curbed my tongue.
This rude tone is not limited to her employees, as she looks down on or openly mocks most people she meets, even her friends.
In jauntily rude tones, the actor said, 'These special jobs are less reliable than factory models.
The rude and spiteful tone of her words decided Renata.
"I think that you may have been displaying a rude tone."
He is concerned, he said, about the city's growing budget deficit and "the rude tone of race relations."