But the big warrior was already creeping out of his hiding place, moving across the rubble-strewn floor as best he could.
She lay on the rubble-strewn floor of the circular cavern, panting, her eyes tearing up.
She was already inside the cave as she said this, picking her way forward on the rubble-strewn floor.
I had to watch my step on the rubble-strewn floor.
"The main problem is to get this sealed," Ms. Robertson said, as she crossed the rubble-strewn floor.
He staggered across the rubble-strewn floor toward the nearest pillars, only to hear a tremendous cracking noise directly in front of him.
Silence held in the ruined exhibition hall, except when a weakened piece of stonework gave way and smashed to the rubble-strewn floor.
An inhuman leap carried it across the rubble-strewn floor to the base of the wall.
The adventuress shot quick glances over her shoulder, her eyes scanning the rubble-strewn floor.
The mammoths climbed down shallow banks and worked their way across rubble-strewn floors.