Mr. Hoch said, his rubbery features contorted angrily.
"We think he's dead," Edward said, his rubbery features distorted into a Greek tragedy mask.
The bags under his eyes, his drooping jowls, and his rubbery features made him appear as friendly and comfortable as an old hound dog.
Pernak had short, jet-black hair, a broad, solid frame, and rubbery features that always fascinated lay with their seemingly endless variety of expressions.
His previous business concluded, the Red Skull hung up the phone, and allowed the mockery of a warm smile to spread over his ghoulish, rubbery features.
Honan also said that Geoffrey Palmer is the "perfect foil with his dry humour, understated style and rubbery features".
Kersey's rubbery features creased in a ferocious grin.
Kersey leaned forward across the table, his rubbery features close to the boy.
Moments after she had pushed the doorbell, a stout young woman with rubbery features came rushing from somewhere out the back and opened the door.
Lilac eyes lingered on the green, rubbery features of Tom's mask.