They walked down the passageway, their rubber-soled boots treading in step.
Modesty began to move along the cloister at a run, her rubber-soled boots making barely a sound.
The silence was broken by the shuffle and squeak of rubber-soled boots approaching me from behind.
They crept onto the veranda, moving silently in their rubber-soled boots.
He had nothing on except his bush shut, shorts, and a pair of the excellent rubber-soled boots issued to American parachutists.
Steele was wearing rubber-soled boots, and his feet made no sound on the stones.
The rubber-soled boots, which cost Hawker the equivalent of half a million dollars, were ruined by the seawater.
For walking in rain, a flat, rubber-soled boot with a tread helps avoid slips.
He began to climb, rubber-soled boots grabbing the rock and hands bracing against the opposite wall.
Her rubber-soled boots soon came squeaking past and she paused in the doorway.