They then travel to the capital, where they meet the king and are entertained royally for a month.
Of course, when they reached the Emerald City their first duty was to visit Ozma's palace, where they were royally entertained.
But Louis Wu the tourist was being royally entertained.
In the castle of Peter of Blentz the king of Lutha was being entertained royally.
It would mean missing the planned reception at the house of his southern neighbours, the Se-Iko, but he had no doubt he would be royally entertained on the way.
In between the ladies and the gents (matches I mean) we were ushered to private rooms, where, beneath striped awnings, we were right royally entertained to a distinguished tea.
On the afternoon and evening following the defeat of Talus, Jason and Medea and all their shipmates were royally entertained on shore.
You were most royally entertained by Melilot the pinchpenny last night.
On their first stop, they are royally entertained at their old 1930's stomping ground, Club Sweets, a replication of the Cotton Club.
The escort lay overnight at Llewelyn's court, and was entertained royally.