It is now under lock and key near her husband's tomb, waiting for the next opening of the royal vault for her last repose.
The royal vaults with all the jewels?
Jean was buried next to her father in the royal vault at Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh.
The body was deposited in the royal vault in St. George's Chapel, and subsequently removed to the splendid mausoleum erected to hold it.
The place of his death is given as Babylon, Mesopotamia, and it was claimed that he was buried in the royal vault there.
In 1891 the pulpit was moved back and a monumental brass inserted in the floor to indicate the royal vault.
When two million taels are stolen from the royal vaults, Ling is hired to find the thieves within ten days and administer his own justice.
Amelia was buried in the royal vault in St George's Chapel, Windsor.
She died at Ludwigsburg Palace the following year and is buried there in the royal vault.
Dip into the royal vaults and bring out some of the fabled red gold of Angarak.