Lazarus arrived in royal splendor, one arm around a big little girl, the other around a small little girl.
My counsel faileth, not with royal splendor But meagerly, to furnish out thy household.
Núñez arrived in Lima, the capital of the colony, on May 17, 1544, where he was received in royal splendor and sworn into office.
As she conducted me on a tour of the car, I felt as though I were in the presence of royal splendor.
You have to understand," he remarked, "that underneath all the royal splendour, Henry is like a spoilt child.
Very interested in seeing beautiful things, decked out in royal splendor, she went to the monastery of Lord Buddha.
In through the open door strode a tall man garbed in a robe of royal splendor, wearing a sword and a bronze breastplate.
"Nor I. Well, since we've never seen it, we can always say we live in royal splendor."
The upstairs retreat doesn't have the views or the royal splendor of the regular dining room, but it is intimate and cozy.
The furniture and hangings now sent in were costly, and the finished rooms lacked nothing of royal splendor.