The royal name of Philip was conferred at his accession.
The king was given his royal name at this shrine.
They seemed particularly intrigued by Queens, because of its royal name and large size.
The park was later renamed Ruwenzori before it returned to its royal name.
All of Cinhil's royal names have precedent within his family history.
Neither group bears a royal name or title and the authority by which they were issued cannot not established.
I hope you're not here to tell me that Alvin or his young friend with the royal name has took sick.
Apparently his mother wanted to name him Samuel, but this was not thought of as a proper royal name.
Not only letters, language, and style, but the noble name of the king is similar to royal names in Dharmawangsa's court.
The first recorded use of royal yellow as a color name in English was in 1548.