He subsided back into his chair, the embroidered velvet settling around him like a royal mantle.
From the helmet fell a royal mantle, engulfed by a pavilion under the Stellone d'Italia, purported to protect the nation.
In 547, Audoin succeeded his charge, who died young of natural causes, and assumed the royal mantle by usurpation.
On Kaitain it appeared to be no more than coarse cloth, but he wore it like a royal mantle.
A royal French mantle of blue embroidered with gold fleur-de-lis and lined in ermine is draped around her shoulders, c. 1719.
And as he lowered his arms, the crimson aura which had surrounded him like a royal mantle fell away and disappeared.
The ruler wears a royal mantle and a crown.
"At least, friend Oros," I went on awkwardly enough, "events have shaped themselves to your advantage, for you inherit a royal mantle."
Her dark hair flowed down over her shoulders like a royal mantle.
On the way, he left behind his chariot, his bow, and his royal mantle, all of which were later picked up by Alexander.