The royal huntsmen went out with them to search for game with which to feed our multitudes.
Two of the royal huntsmen opened the cage and the hunting cheetahs leaped down to earth.
The royal huntsmen would already be searching for us.
He often had to pay the wages and expenses of the royal huntsmen out of the issues of his bailiwick.
She did not look back as the royal huntsmen rowed her out into the swamp.
There was enough meat roasting down there to feed every belly in the city for seven days; the royal huntsmen would be busy day and night, supplying fresh meat daily.
Like the piles of venison, goat, and other carcasses the royal huntsmen piled up before the kitchens for a royal banquet.
When he'd been younger, that task had been all but impossible, but the royal huntsmen and arms masters couldn't have asked for a more attentive student.
The royal huntsmen had bent the tall papyrus stems over to form a screening roof over the hunters.
An enormous amount of manpower and resources was used in the hunting of the animals, including the army, conscripted civilians, several nobles, and a number of royal huntsmen.