If he suffered mishap and failed to return, far more than the hope of the royal heirs' reconciliation would be lost.
In many cases, key royal heirs will be shuttled around the board, captured, recaptured, and then executed for strategic reasons.
After this they could choose between another of the royal heirs.
Would-be royal heirs continued to appear across Europe for decades afterward and some of their descendants still have small but loyal retinues of followers today.
There were no absolute rules governing the succession to the regnum francorum or its division between royal heirs; and precedents pointed in different directions.
Yet the English love it as an antidote to the despair their royal heirs generally provoke.
That's not going to fly; she's the more sympathetic character in this real-life royal drama, and has been dutifully producing royal heirs.
The royal heirs of the twin kingdoms will be suitable representatives at the bishop's funeral.
I am royal heir.
Under the Saudi system, a new King is selected from among the royal heirs by a family committee.