He also plays a role in the preservation of the world and the permanence of the royal function.
She simply could not understand that she was no longer wanted at royal functions.
His royal functions are the foundation, the expansion and the final consummation of the kingdom of God among men.
Dress like the last royal function you went to, with tiaras.
As with other exiled royalty, he is invited to royal functions under his former regnal name and title.
Yar Mohammad was, however, allowed to execute the royal functions as the regent.
We met quite a few times, either in the university or at royal functions in the city.
Rather, the king encompassed god-likeness through exercising the royal function, which the texts say the gods created.
This royal function is the source of the king's authority.
In 1884, after this voyage, with its royal functions and celebrations at Copenhagen, a peerage was offered to the poet.